Ensuring Equal Voting Rights for People with Disabilities in Tarrant County, TX: An Expert's Perspective

As an expert on disability rights and accessibility, I understand the importance of ensuring that all eligible voters have equal access to the polls. This is especially crucial for individuals with disabilities, who may face unique challenges when it comes to exercising their right to vote. In Tarrant County, TX, there are accommodations in place to help make the voting process more accessible for people with disabilities.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law in 1990 and prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including voting. This means that polling places must be accessible to people with disabilities and reasonable accommodations must be made to ensure that they can cast their vote. In Tarrant County, the ADA is taken seriously when it comes to voting rights.

The county has implemented several measures to make the voting process more accessible for individuals with disabilities.

Accessible Polling Places

One of the most important accommodations for voters with disabilities is having accessible polling places. Tarrant County has made sure that all polling locations are compliant with ADA standards. This includes having ramps or other accessible entrances, wide enough doorways for wheelchairs, and accessible voting machines. In addition, poll workers are trained to assist individuals with disabilities and provide any necessary accommodations. This may include helping them fill out their ballot or providing a magnifying glass for those with visual impairments.

Curbside Voting

For individuals who are unable to enter the polling place due to a disability, curbside voting is available in Tarrant County.

This allows voters to remain in their vehicle and have a poll worker bring a ballot out to them. This accommodation is especially helpful for individuals with mobility impairments or those who have difficulty standing for long periods of time.

Accessible Voting Machines

Tarrant County also offers accessible voting machines for individuals with disabilities. These machines have features such as audio ballots, large print options, and tactile buttons for those with visual impairments. They also have adjustable height and tilt options for individuals who use wheelchairs. These accessible voting machines are available at all polling locations and can be used by any voter who needs them, not just those with disabilities.

This helps to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to cast their vote independently and privately.

Assistance from a Personal Care Attendant

Under the ADA, individuals with disabilities have the right to bring a personal care attendant (PCA) with them to assist them in the voting process. This may include helping them enter the polling place, filling out their ballot, or providing any other necessary accommodations. In Tarrant County, PCAs are allowed to accompany voters into the voting booth and assist them as needed. This ensures that individuals with disabilities have the support they need to exercise their right to vote.

Accessible Absentee Voting

For individuals who are unable to make it to the polls on Election Day, Tarrant County offers accessible absentee voting. This allows voters to request an absentee ballot and vote from the comfort of their own home.

The county provides accessible absentee ballots for individuals with disabilities, including large print options and audio ballots.

Additional Resources

In addition to these accommodations, Tarrant County also provides resources for voters with disabilities. This includes a voter hotline where individuals can call and ask questions about accessibility or report any issues they may encounter at the polls. The county also has a Disability Advisory Committee, which works to ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access to all county services, including voting. This committee provides recommendations and feedback to the county on how to improve accessibility for individuals with disabilities.


In Tarrant County, TX, there are several accommodations in place to ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access to the polls. From accessible polling places to curbside voting and accessible absentee ballots, the county is committed to upholding the voting rights of all its citizens. It is important for individuals with disabilities to know their rights and take advantage of these accommodations when exercising their right to vote.

By doing so, they can help ensure that their voices are heard and their votes are counted.